Halloween House
Old Glory Flag
Gingerbread Nutcracker
Acorn Square
Toy Truck Mitten
Zig Zag Owl
Yellow Door Pumpkin House
Woodland Princess Deer
White Winter House
Vine Heart
Turkey Pumpkin
Sunflower Gnome
Pumpkin Witch
Santa/Sleigh Over House
Snowy Day Lady
Hummingbird Cactus
Artichocke & Hummers
Bear Mitten
Gift Mitten
Cardinal Mitten
Candy Cane House Mitten
Snowman Mitten
At the Cabin
Succulent Cup
Spring Bunny & Chick
The Collector, Opossum
Acorn Witch Boot
Bat Witch Boot
Pumpkin Witch Boot
Snowflake E
Snowflake D
Snowflake C
Snowflake B
Snowflake A
Orange Pumpkin Bouquet
Queen of Hearts (Front/Back)
Scalloped Black Owl
Spotted Black Owl
Clover Gnome