Green Pumpkin
Tina Witch
Teresa Witch
Aunt Barbara, Spring
Aunt Barbara, Fall
Aunt Betty, Winter
Aunt Betty, Fall
The Village
Perky Peter Penguin
Charlie Cardinal w/ SG
Petunia Pansy Stitch Guide
Mrs. Santa Claus
Santa Express w/ SG
Candy Canes & Polka Dots Santa
Heartful of Cheer
Harriet Bird
Stack of Pumpkins
Texan Ron
Charlie Bird
Curtis Bird
Josie Bird
Happy Dog
Rover, White Dog w/ Spots
Hazel, Red Bird
Lola Bluebell
Baseball Boy
Birthday Betty
Gordie Bunny
Gus Bunny
Gertie Bunny
George Snowman with stitch guide
Santa with Sailboat
Santa on Candy Cane
Sleepy Time Cookie Santa
Puppy Inside Present
Skater Sam
Feather Tree Santa