Train Christmas Stocking
Santa by Tree & Window
Small Town Christmas
Holly Jolly Christmas
Santa & Doll Tea Party
Skiing Santa
North Pole Santa & Toys
Victoriana Cuff
Pine Bough Cuff
Santa & the Gingerbread Kids
Christmas in the Village TTR
Red w/ White Flowers
Green w/ Red Flowers
Angel Stocking
Tree Stocking
Bauble Stocking
Presents Stocking
So Many Trees Cuff
So Many Baubles Cuff
So Many Hearts Cuff
Sleeping Dogs Cuff
Nativity Scene
JOY with Santa, 13 mesh
Twelve Days of Christmas
Wreath Angel
Up On The Housetop - Reindeer
Trees Cuff
Tree w/ House/Candles at Top
Tree of Santa/Ornaments/ Gifts
Snowman Gifts
Santa's Bag
Santa w/ Toys Standing by Tree, 18 mesh
Santa w/ Bag of Toys
Santa by Fireplace
Reindeer Stocking
Santa/Sleigh Over House
Santa w/ Lantern